
I’ve never been a big believer in collage – just seemed too crafty for me. I never really considered that it could be useful to help me organize my thoughts and process.

Wow. Was I wrong or what?

My writing partner was making them for herself and then graciously made one for Tucker at my request. Then I decided to play with it myself and now I’m hooked. We’re not going the traditional route of magazines and glue and poster board, but rather photos pilfered from the web and arranged in PhotoShop. Helps cut down on the clutter (and I need all the help I can get) and then I can use them as wallpaper on my desktop(s), right there when I need it most – while I’m writing. I’ve even got the current one with me on my iPod Touch. Cuz I’m a dork that way.

Collage = WIN!

So behold, the journey of the collage:


The Original ***** Beta Mock Up ***** Beta Final

The Original .................... Beta Mock-Up .................... Beta Final


ETA: 02/13/10

It’s been awhile since those collages were made. A LONG while. I have a new story and setting and joie de vivre for Tucker, so naturally I needed a new collage.

One response to this post.

  1. As your writing partner who initially poked and prodded you to embrace the collage I have to say, the student has outpaced the master. That freakin’ rocks. Having seen the outline, and knowing where you’re going with this critter, the pics are PERFECT. I’m inspired for you. And, btw, LOVE the photo corners. 😉

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